This Academy begins on 2/11 with general Academy Orientation, a one day Safety and Orientation Class for CZU Volunteers on 2/12. The class includes lectures and manipulative practice skills. The course is designed to be an entry level training experience for individuals joining a fire department as a volunteer. Topics include: general safety, basic fire chemistry/behavior, breathing apparatus, portable fire extinguishers, forcible entry, rescue, ladders, water supply, hose loads, fire streams, communications, salvage operations, ventilation techniques, and Willdland fire safety. Upon completion the student twill receive various certificates including NWCG and CSTI. Students must be an official member of the department sponsoring them. Pre course assignments and exact location and times will be sent to the student upon acceptance into the academy.
Feb. 11,12,16,18,19,23,25,26
Mar. 1,3,4,8,10,11,15,17,18, 22,24,25,29,31
Apr. 14,15,19,21,22,26, 2012
BC Jed Wilson, Lead
Initial class at Felton HQ Training